#UniversityDiary: how is the college student's routine? #3

segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2018

Different from what we are influenced to believe, the university life's isn't easier than high school life's. Ok that we can arrive and left at the time we want (in Brazil, at least we can), and we have many parties, but things aren't so good.

1) We have to study and read a lot
Seriously, when I say that is many stuffs, believe in me, it is many stuffs. Before I get in university I didn't know what is the "many stuffs" they said, but only when I get in I understood: texts and books (of difficult and boring reading) of all subjects to read every week. The number of pages range from 30 to 400 pages. Yes, we have 1 week to read a 400-page book (it's almost impossible be able to read everything known the amount of things we have to do).

2) Many works to do
Every week the students are presented by teachers with works. I swear that I don't know where teachers get so much creativity to create work theme, because, seriously, EVERY week I have at least 1 work of any subject. That are on average 2 jobs per day, 10 per week. And when I don't have work in a week, in the next week I have double work to "compensate" (I have a crazy teacher that give 2 different works in one day).

3) Party? No, I'll stay at home sleeping!!!
College activities are so tiring that when the weekend comes the only thing we want is to stay home doing nothing, resting, because you are so exhausted. Going out at the weekend or going to parties isn't something you think about.

In short: a college student's routine is to wake up early to go to college, attend classes, study at home, do work and seminars, and study harder. This, of course, if you want to be a good professional and want to stand out in your area, because if you do not want to, forget everything I said, your routine will be hang out every day after class and spend the entire college without read a text or book; but I assure you, your opportunities will not even come close to the opportunities of that person who studied and devoted himself to the entire college.

But and the tests? In my course, at least, the tests are not those traditional tests where the teacher asks questions and the student answer. In my college, students are evaluated by the photos they take (photojournalism), texts they write (stories, reviews, critical texts), seminars they present, millions of works we do and participation in debates held in the classroom. Some of these jobs are much more difficult than the traditional test, so in some cases we prefer the traditional test.

Despite having a crazy routine, college is a very good time that must be lived intensely #EnjoyWithResponsability

As I said in my biography, I'm not a native English speaker and I created this blog to practice my English, so if I made any mistake, let me know, write on the comments! I want to improve my English, so don't be afraid to correct me, on the contrary, I want to know! Thank you :)

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